Category: Science Blogs

Using Constructive Alignment for Academic Writing IV – Workflow

In Part III, I presented some general writing tools.

In this part, let’s see how to bring these together to realise a workflow for arriving at a constructively aligned piece of writing.

Using Constructive Alignment for Academic Writing III – Tools

In the previous part, I elaborated on how we can use the abstract to define the learning objectives/outcomes of our paper. In this part, I present four tools you can use to ensure your writing is constructively aligned to these learning outcomes

Using Constructive Alignment for Academic Writing II – Getting started

In Part I, I drew a parallel between academic writing and the constructive alignment framework used for course design. Essentially, I showed how we may view our academic peers as learners, trying to construct meaning, or in the broader sense, knowledge from our presented results. Now, let’s see where to start.

Using Constructive Alignment for Academic Writing I – the philosophy

This is the first in a series of 4 blogs based off a 6-hour workshop I designed for early career researchers. I recast the framework of Biggs’ constructive alignment for academic writing.

நேறியல் இல்லாத (Nonlinear) ஃபைபர் ஆப்ட்டிக்ஸ் என்றால் என்ன?

2012 இல் ஆஸ்டன் பல்கலைக்கழகம் ஏற்பாடு செய்த “தகவல்தொடர்புகளில் சிறப்பானது” என்ற போட்டியில் பரிசு வென்ற நுழைவு பின்வருமாறு. பரிசு வென்ற அனைத்து உள்ளீடுகளையும் இங்கே காணலாம். Translated by N. Sugavanam/ மொழிபெயர்ப்பு: திரு. என். சுகவனம். அனைத்து பொருட்களையும் திருகு சுருள் வில்(spring) மற்றும் திருகு சுருள் வில்லின் நெட்வொர்க்குகள் என்று கற்பனை செய்து பாருங்கள். உதாரணமாக, நீங்கள் ஜெல்லியின் ஒரு குமிழை ஒரு அசைவு கொடுத்தால், அது கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக அசைந்து, பின்னர்…
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Bar-time Dynamics II – Making waves

Of Fourier transforms and spectro-temporal dynamics In my previous blog Bar-Time Dynamics, I had taken an audio file of a song, and applied my methods of laser analysis – spatio-temporal dynamics – to it. It became a visual representation of the song structure, and with a nifty phase-flip also revealed the differences in the way…
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What could a Space Colonisation-101 course look like?

The prospect of colonising space is no longer a pipe dream. But, are we prepared for it?

Stretching it a bit – Nonlinear Fibre Optics

The following is a prize-winning entry in the competition “Excellence in Communication” organised by Aston University in 2012. You can find all the prize winning entries here. Imagine that all materials are made of springs, and networks of springs. For example, if you give a blob of jelly a nudge, it wobbles around a bit and…
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